This is the page where you can join in the activity of the Assocaition by providing input to the website. You can use the form below tp provide a submission to one of four categories:
- About me
- Use this to let everyone know what you have been up to since leaving school and what is happening in you life now.
- Use this to let everyone know what you have been up to since leaving school and what is happening in you life now.
- Education and Colleges
- Please tell everyone about the university or college you are at now, or have recently left. This will be really useful information for those at school about to make decisions about their next steps in their education.
- Please tell everyone about the university or college you are at now, or have recently left. This will be really useful information for those at school about to make decisions about their next steps in their education.
- Careers and Jobs
- What can you tell members and readers about the career you are following, What is exciting and satisfying about the job you are currently doing. What skills are needed to undertake this role and what prospect does it have?
- News from members
- Please provide news and information of interest to all in this category.
To add your posted content, please add a title, and then select the category for your post. You can then add your text in the content box, using the normal editing functions. Please add pictures to your post.
When you click on the 'Submit' Post' button, a message should appear to let you know that is has arrived. The post will be moderated by the editor and hopefully will appear online soon after you have submitted it.
Please help to keep the Association active and useful to its members.